
Easy Flips
Advanced Flips
Difficult Flips
Combo Flips
Combo Flips

Combo flips can be easy and hard. If you dont have the confidence dont attempt the trick!!!!

Backflip to Frontflip
If you can do a backflip good this will be easy. Do a backflip and if the landing is good do a front. If the landing is not good dont do the trick.DONT ATTEMPT IF NOT CONFIDENT!!!
Frontflip to Backflip
This trick is hard because landings are blind on a front so if it feels like you have landed good and are good at doing backs, pull a back afterward. DONT ATTEMPT IF YOU CANT PULL BACKFLIPS!!!!!!!
Kneeflip to Backflip
Very Very hard. Do a knee flip, land perfect and do a backflip. DONT ATTEMPT...VERY DIFFICULT TRICK!!!!!!! unless very skilled.
Backflip to Backflip
This is also a difficult trick do a back, land it perfect into another back. If you can stay in the center of the tramp you can do 3 or 4 if skilled.

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